How this 3D Art Director Saves Hours Everyday on C4D Projects
What would you do if you had more time? We asked Dan Zucco to share why he uses Greyscalegorilla Plus as part of his daily workflow.
Meet Dan Zucco
Dan Zucco is a 3D Art Director and Animator with a passion for making geometric patterns and generative art. He’s also a long-time member of Greyscalegorilla Plus.
Chatting with Dan Zucco
Why do you use Greyscalegorilla Plus?
I use Greyscalegorilla Plus because it speeds up my workflow. Plus allows you to focus on being creative. Being able to drag a lighting setup, material, or an animation preset without having to spend the time setting those things up… it saves me hours a day! It allows me to try lots of different things as well and experiment.
What was life like before Greyscalegorilla Plus?
I think the biggest frustration I had before using Greyscalegorilla Plus was creating lighting setups using HDRIs. You’d have to go find an HDRI, download it, put it in the folder and then load it into Cinema. If that didn’t work, you had to repeat that process.
When Greyscalegorilla introduced HDRI Link that just got rid of that problem! You literally have hundreds of HDRI maps at your disposal. You can just click and quickly change it. Being able to try lots of different lighting setups super quick makes everything a lot simpler and more intuitive. It’s definitely something I use every day! It’s a great tool. I can’t imagine not having it.
What Greyscalegorilla tools do you use the most?
I probably use the materials the most, especially the Modern Surface material collection and wood materials. They’ve been so useful in that I can quickly create different photo-realistic looks and change the parameters of the materials to create unique looks. These particular packs in the Greyscalegorilla Library have helped define my style.