Learn how to use Area Light Maps with HDRI Link to add texture to area lights in your favorite third-party render engine.
In this tutorial, Chad will show you how to use Area Light Maps and HDRI Link to light up a sleek Rolex watch. You’ll even see how to use Cinema 4D’s lighting tool to pinpoint an area light precisely where you want to.
You’ll learn to combine these tools with a few C4D tricks to help you flex your lighting game. You can quickly get creative lighting setups in seconds with this easy workflow. Just position and place your area lights as normal, then learn how to add realistic reflections with Area Light Maps.
While Chad will be using Cinema 4D and Redshift, the process is similar for Arnold, Octane, Corona, V-Ray, and other HDRI Link compatible render engines.
Ready to dive in? Fire up Cinema 4D and Area Light Maps

This is a really nice tutorial, but I can’t use it as I can’t figure out where the light kit comes from.
Developers take for granted libraries that aren’t revealed in code pens the same way 3D artists expect you to intrinsically have what they’re using. If this was a GSG plugin I’d understand, but I can’t search redshift area light and get the tool for the tutorial.
Thanks though, the explanation was very well done.
Is there a way to get this rolex model file for practise?