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Meet Greyscalegorilla Studio

by Greyscalegorilla


What if there was a better way to download and use Greyscalegorilla assets? Like, the exact assets you need. Without having to download massive zip files. And it all synced with a click and updated automatically

Well—good news. And, also—tah-dah. 🎉

Introducing Greyscalegorilla Studio, the new desktop app that instantly connects the entire Greyscalegorilla Plus library to your favorite 3D tools. It’s the fastest, easiest way to get exactly the assets you need, right when you need them.

Here’s the deal. Get 6000+ assets 10X faster. Find what you’re looking for in way fewer steps. Download only what you need—nothing more, nothing less. Save your favorites, and never miss a new release. 

Studio allows you to easily send materials, textures, HDRI, and 3D models to any compatible 3D application and render engine. Simply connect and send to your preferred 3D software and apps—Cinema 4D, Blender, Houdini, Unreal Engine—in an instant, all with a single click.



Download Studio now. Includes 50 free 3D assets. Join Greyscalegorilla Plus to unlock 6000+ more.


  • What's the difference between Greyscalegorilla Plus and Studio?

    Greyscalegorilla Plus is a subscription membership that includes the entire 5,000+ asset library, over 500 hours of professional training, and over a dozen award-winning Cinema 4D plugins. Memberships are available in monthly plans, annual plans, and Teams subscriptions.

    Studio is a desktop app that connects the asset library to Cinema 4D, Blender, Unreal Engine, and Houdini. Free members can access a collection of 50 free assets, and Plus members can login to their account to access the entire Plus asset library.

  • Is Studio free to use?

    Yes, the desktop app and over 50 materials, HDRI, textures, and 3D models are included absolutely free.

    With a Greyscalegorilla Plus membership, you can unlock 5,000+ more high-quality assets and download as many as you’d like, whenever you need them.

  • What’s the difference between Studio and Greyscalegorilla HUB?

    Greyscalegorilla Studio is a stand-alone application that works on Mac or Windows. Studio connects with Cinema 4D, Houdini, Blender, and Unreal Engine allowing you to send assets to your 3D application in one click. The entire Plus library of assets is accessible through the Studio interface.

    The HUB is only available to Cinema 4D users to access plugins in addition to materials and assets.

    You can find a full explanation of the difference between HUB and Studio here.

  • How has downloading 3D assets changed?

    Studio lets you pick and choose individual assets you’d like to use instead of downloading entire collections through the HUB. It’s a much simpler and faster process.

    You can download a single material in Studio, and it will automatically be assembled and sent to Cinema 4D, Blender, Unreal Engine, or Houdini with one click.

  • I’m a Cinema 4D user. Do I use Studio or HUB?

    That is entirely up to you and how you wish to work.

    If you only need access to assets, we suggest using Studio. If you are using more than one 3D application, it is easier to switch between them using Studio.

    Studio is faster to use and allows favorites, a more powerful search, as well as other expanded features over the HUB and Library in C4D.

    If you need to access the Greyscalegorilla plugins you will need the HUB as it is the only way to access C4D plugins.

  • How to I connect my 3D app to Studio?

    Studio uses Connector plugins to sync with your 3D application. After downloading Studio, you will need to download the Connector plugin from the Studio download page.

    From there, install the Connector plugin for your 3D application(s) of choice by following the install instructions. Then in the Studio app, just click the Connect button to sync the asset library with your 3D app.

    You can follow the instructions for connecting Studio and the appropriate connectors here.

    Once connected, you can import materials and models with one click, and drag-and-drop or copy-paste textures and HDRI in the appropriate file path.

Improve your workflow with Studio

Get Greyscalegorilla Studio, the desktop app that helps artists stay in the flow and puts the entire Plus library at your fingertips—instantly.

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