All Greyscalegorilla Plugins are Now Compatible with Cinema 4D R23
All Greyscalegorilla Plugins and Plus Plugins are now fully compatible with Cinema 4D R23. Including Plugins included in Greyscalegorilla Plus.
Movin’ On up
In case you hadn’t heard, Maxon just released Cinema 4D R23. We know you’re excited to get started and want you to be able to use your plugins in the newest version. So, it’s official, ALL of your Greyscalegorilla plugins (even those included with Plus), are now compatible with C4D R23!
How Do I Get the New Versions?
Ok, so how (and where) do I get my updated plugins? This will look a bit different for our new Plus members and our perpetual license holders.
Plus Members, you’ll need to download and install the R23 version of the HUB. It’s the same procedure as for R20 – S22.
Here are the specifics for Plus members:
- Login to your Plus account and go to your Plugin HUB area.
- Follow the directions to install your Plugin HUB into R23
- Install Light Kit Pro, Signal, and GorillaCam with one click.
- Restart Cinema 4D and start enjoying your Plus Plugins.
For you perpetual license holders, follow these easy steps to get updated:
- Sign in to your account here.
- From your Dashboard, navigate to your “Downloads” tab.
- Voila! Your updated download links await you.
- Install the latest version of your plugins into Cinema 4D R23
Still Have Questions?
Our support team is ready to serve you! Need help finding your updated download links? Have a question about installation? If you find yourself struggling to get up to date, reach out to our Support Team for assistance.

Starting at only $49
Plus Now Has Plugins?
Yep! Plus memberships now include Light Kit Pro, Signal, and GorillaCam. With more coming soon.
Learn More
You keep on sending us to your support team, but in support, nobody is answering or emails. We need all plugins to work in R23 and i do not understand why you guys complicated things with the HUB. The way everything worked in the past was good enough. This hub has issues as CATALINA OS does not like the .xlib file that is included in each plugin.
I’m so sorry if you’re not receiving an answer in support! We try to reply within 24 hours. On the weekends, our support agents aren’t always available, but please let us know if you don’t hear back from someone on Monday!
transform and city kit support R21?? transform important for me
Yes – check out plugin compatibility here
Can’t find a Light Kit Pro R23 installer. I see S22…
Reach out to our support team. They will get you sorted right away!
I only find one updates to r23 (… HDRI Studio Rig) I miss Topcoat and Light Kit pro 3 for C4d r23 …
Reach out to our support team and we will get you sorted!
signal still says c4d r22, is this comparable with R23
If it’s not in your customer downloads, be sure to hit up support and they will take care of you.