City Kit
Custom 3D architecture and cities built from the ground up in Cinema 4D. Exclusively in Plus.
Exclusive to Plus MembershipTowering cities at your fingertips
Cityscapes trusted by Stark Industries and Iron Man himself.
This is a legacy product that requires a separate download and is no longer available via the HUB.
There are versions compatible with R20-S24, and one for R25. It will no longer be supported after R25.
For more info, please visit our support page.

Key Features

More Control Than a City Planner
Elevate your cities with hundreds of different configurations, controlling the shape and size of your city.

Day to Night Lighting
With built-in lighting rigs included, find that perfect time of day or night for your render.

More Than Just Flat Cities
Add Cities to curves and shapes for urban Mograph looks
“City Kit’s Custom Area was essential to inserting ILM’s model of Stark Tower when the Avenger's story-points called for the focus to be located on a certain building.”
Product Details
- 50 building types
- Shape and size controls
- Day and night lighting presets
- Downtown falloff
- Add custom building geometry
- Presets for instant looks
- Cinema 4D R20-S24
- Cinema 4D R25 Asset Browser Ready
- Standard / Physical Renderer
Save Time.
Unlock your creativity with Greyscalegorilla Plus: Streamline workflows and say goodbye to endless asset searches. Get instant access to all of our assets for one price. No credits. No hassle.
Complete Library
Unleash your 3D potential with instant access to 6000+ curated materials, HDRIs, textures, and 3D models created by our in-house design team. Compatible with C4D, Blender, Houdini, Unreal Engine and all other 3D applications.
Pricing For Every Budget
Choose Monthly or Save Big with an Annual membership. Instantly Access Our Full Suite of Tools and Stay Ahead with New Releases.
Exclusive C4D Benefits
Gain exclusive access to your library right within Cinema 4D, along with all our award-winning plugins like Signal, HDRI Link, and much more!
- Save $324 When You Pay Annually!
- Over 6,000 3D assets: materials, textures, models, and HDRIs
- Compatible with ALL major 3D applications
- All of our time-saving plugins for Cinema 4D
- Only $66 to Get Started Today!
- Over 6,000 3D assets: materials, textures, models, and HDRIs
- Compatible with ALL major 3D applications
- All of our time-saving plugins for Cinema 4D