We open up MAXON’s new Cinema 4D R20 to check out the major new features like Fields and Volume Modeling.
In his first tour of Cinema 4D R20, Chris shows you all the new features that have him most excited about C4D since the release of R16.
This release includes a ton of new features that can handle all sorts of new workflows.
Ready to check out the new features? Let’s get started.
Learn about the biggest new features in Cinema 4D R20 with our newest Greyscalegorilla instructor.
New features in Cinema 4D R20, and a new trainer at Greyscalegorilla. In this video, we are thrilled to introduce Matthew O’Neill, or Mash, from 3D Fluff.
Mash is a longtime Cinema 4D user, with over 20 years of experience. A former Maxon employee, Mash has spent the past 15 years working freelance and creating professional 3D training.
Not only will Mash teach you about key new R20 features in this tutorial, he also leads the primary portion of the Greyscalegorilla Plus Guide to Cinema 4D R20. The training series features over 12 hours of R20 training with Mash and the entire Greyscalegorilla team.
More Cinema 4D R20 Features
In this tutorial, Mash will dive into the features he thinks are the most exciting and have tons of potential. He’ll show off volume modeling, nodes, CAD imports, and a few more noteworthy updates.
Without any further ado, let’s have Mash take it away.